how to make Mava Burfi| deshi style tadka| dr manju antil cooking tips

Mava Burfi is super delicious and fun to make


500 gms khoya

300 gms. powdered sugar

1 tsp. cardamom powder

2 sheets silver foil (edible)


Mash khoya . Mix in tne sugar. Put into a heavy saucepan.

Cook on slow flame, stirring continuously.

Cook till the mixture is a very soft lump.*

Place on a working board and roll with a rolling pin to 1/2 inch thickness.

Cool a little. Spread on the working board silver foil carefully and evenly.

Make incisions with knife to cut in the desired size and shape.

Note: Burfi is usually cut into 1 1/2 inch squares.


To make chocolate mava burfi: Follow till * as above. Divide the mixture in two parts 1/3 and 2/3

In the smaller part mix 1 tablespoon cocoa powder and 1/2 tsp. chocolate colour.

Roll both parts separately. Place the chocolate on the mava layer. Roll lightly.

Continue as for mavaburfee.

Serves: 25 helpings

Time required:1/2 hr.

Shelf life: 10 days

Dr. Manju Antil, PhD

I am interested in writing, specifically articles and short stories. I’d like my career to revolve around writing, which I fondly call “the art of words”, for I believe in the power of words to induce change personally and globally.I would love to share information regarding psychology. contact me through my email,

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